Repair vs Replacing Your Water Heater
There are many things that can go wrong with a water heater that can cause it to function improperly. If your current water heater just needs fixed, we will fix it as economically as possible and back all of our work by our written guarantee. We will provide you with the best possible solution to fixing your water heater problem.

Here are some things to consider when selecting a new water heater.

- Tanks Size of a Water Heater
- Tankless or Traditional
- On Demand Water Heaters
- BTU Ratings
- Energy Efficiency
- Cost
If you are thinking about a replacement water heater let us help you by giving you the information you need on the different makes and models out there. Whatever you need, Ideal Services is here to help you in choosing the right water heater that fit your needs. Give us a call at (702) 396-5225 for a free estimate or any questions you may have on your water heater repairs, installation, or replacement.

Emergency Water Heater Service
& Repair 24/7
We Take Pride In Our Service. If You Have A Complaint And Would Like To Speak To Upper Management, Call Us Directly @ 702-703-3060